Backup of Publications(No. 1)


公表成果 / Publications


原著学術論文 / Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles


書籍 / Books




査読論文 / Refereed Papers

  • Kashima, M., Uchiyama, Y., Odani, S., Takahashi, Y. and Kojima, S. (2019): Coral spawn transports from the Sekisei lagoon to the Kuroshio downstream along the Nansei Archipelago observed by using surface drifter buoy and ocean radar, J. Oceanogr. (in prep.)
  • Uchiyama, Y., McWilliams, J.C., Kaida, H. and Akan, C. (2019): Wave effects on submesoscale fronts and filaments on the inner continental shelf, J. Phys. Oceanogr. (in prep.)
  • Kurosawa, K. , Uchiyama, Y., and Kosako, T. (2019): Utilizing a regional ocean model for weather routing for optimal vessel navigation, Ocean Eng. (in prep.)
  • Akan, C., McWilliams, J.C. and Uchiyama,Y. (2019): Topographic and coastline influences on surf eddies, Ocean Modell. (submitted)
  • Kamidaira, Y., Kawamura, H., Kobayashi, T. and Uchiyama, Y. (2019): Development of regional downscaling capability in STEAMER ocean prediction system based on multi-nested ROMS model, J. Nuclear Sci. Tech. (in revision)
  • Zhang, X., Uchiyama, Y. and Nakayama, A. (2019): On relaxation of the influences of treated sewage effluent on an adjacent seaweed farm in a tidal strait, Mar. Pollut. Bull. (in revision)
  • Masunaga, E., Uchiyama, Y. and Yamazaki, H. (2019): Strong internal tides generated by the interaction of the Kuroshio Current and tides over a shallow ridge, J. Phys. Oceanogr. (in revision)
  • Nakayama, A., Zafarullah, N., Uchiyama, Y., Ng, C. Y. and Montasir, O. (2019): Evaluation of hydrodynamic loads on offshore truss structure using large eddy simulation method, Proc. IAHR World Congress 2019, September 1-6, 2019, Panama City, Panama. (submitted)
  • Uchiyama, Y., Takaura, N., Okada, N. and Nakayama, A. (2019): Residual circulations and associated water mass transport in the South China Sea analyzed with a coupled HYCOM-ROMS downscaling ocean model, Proc. 3rd International Symposium on Green and Sustainable Technology (ISGST2019), 5 pp., Apr. 23-26, Kampar, Malaysia. (accepted)
  • Uchiyama, Y. and Tokunaga, N. (2019): A post-disaster assessment on a storm-induced flood and associated coastal dispersal of the river-derived suspended radiocesium originated from the Fukushima nuclear accident, Proc. 3rd International Symposium on Green and Sustainable Technology (ISGST2019), 6 pp., Apr. 23-26, Kampar, Malaysia. (accepted)
  • Zafarullah, N., Nakayama, A., Uchiyama, Y., Umar, A. U. and Kim, H.T. (2019): A review of ocean forces interaction model with offshore structures near the free surface, Proc. 3rd International Symposium on Green and Sustainable Technology (ISGST2019), Apr. 23-26, Kampar, Malaysia. (accepted)
  • Zhang, X., Uchiyama, Y. and Nakayama, A. (2019): A three-dimensional numerical assessment on the influences of treated sewage effluent on an adjacent seaweed farm with different discharge operations, Proc. 3rd International Symposium on Green and Sustainable Technology (ISGST2019), 6 pp., Apr. 23-26, Kampar, Malaysia. (accepted)
  • 岡田信瑛内山雄介:ARMOR3Dを用いた黒潮と切離中規模渦の相互作用および海洋構造変化に関する研究,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), Vol. 75, No. 2. (submitted)
  • 木村和久・増永英二・小硲大地内山雄介:Lagrange粒子追跡モデルを用いた伊豆諸島周辺海域の物質輸送及び拡散の評価,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), Vol. 75, No. 2. (submitted)
  • 猿渡亜由未・渡部靖憲・大塚淳一・山田朋人・森 信人・二宮順一・志村智也・馬場康之・久保輝広・内山雄介:海中混入気泡による超音波後方散乱と熱輸送,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), Vol. 75, No. 2. (submitted)
  • 高浦 育内山雄介・Nizamani Zafarullah・中山昭彦:ダウンスケーリング海洋モデルを用いた南シナ海の海洋構造物に作用する外力評価,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), Vol. 75, No. 2. (submitted)
  • 髙木雅史・森 信人・二宮順一・志村智也・内山雄介・馬場康之・水谷英朗・久保輝広・渡部靖憲・大塚淳一・山田朋人・猿渡亜由未:砕波による海洋表層混合のパラメタリゼーションと台風に対する応答,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), Vol. 75, No. 2. (submitted)
  • 徳永夏樹内山雄介・津旨大輔・山田正俊・立田 穣・石丸 隆・伊藤友加里・渡邉 豊・池原 研・福田美保:福島沿岸域における台風通過時の出水イベントに伴う懸濁態放射性核種の輸送堆積過程に関する解析,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), Vol. 75, No. 2. (submitted)
  • 馬場康之・久保輝広・森 信人・渡部靖憲・山田朋人・猿渡亜由未・大塚淳一・内山雄介・二宮順一:2018 年夏期に観測された台風に伴う高波浪について,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), Vol. 75, No. 2. (submitted)

招待講演 / Invited Talks

  • Uchiyama, Y. (2019): Evolution of downscaling ocean modeling and its application to the metocean forcing evaluation for offshore structures around Malaysia", Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia, Apr. 25, 2019. (invited lecture)
  • Uchiyama, Y. (2019): Eddy-induced transports and meso- and submesoscale dynamics in coastal and shelf seas, In: Submesoscale processes, nonlinear internal waves, and impacts on biogeochemistry and other systems via mixing in the coastal ocean, Gordon Research Conference - Coastal Ocean Dynamics, June 16–21, 2019, Southern New Hampshire University, NH, USA. (invited)

総説・レビュー / Review Papers

その他 / Others




査読論文 / Refereed Papers

招待講演 / Invited Talks

総説・レビュー / Review Papers

その他 / Others




査読論文 / Refereed Papers

招待講演 / Invited Talks

総説・レビュー / Review Papers

その他 / Others




査読論文 / Refereed Papers

招待講演 / Invited Talks

その他 / Others




査読論文 / Refereed Papers

招待講演 / Invited Talks

総説・レビュー / Review Paper

その他 / Others




査読論文 / Refereed Papers

招待講演 / Invited Talks

総説・レビュー / Review Paper

その他 / Others




査読論文 / Refereed Papers

招待講演 / Invited Talks

その他 / Others




査読論文 / Refereed Papers

招待講演 / Invited Talks

その他 / Others




査読論文 / Refereed Papers

その他 / Others









  • Uchiyama, Y., McWilliams, J.C. and Shchepetkin, A.F. (2010): Wave-current interaction in a three-dimensional oceanic circulation model based on a vortex-force formalism: Applications to the surf-zone and inner-shelf circulations, Eos Trans. AGU, 91(26), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract GO31A-02, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2010, Portland, OR, USA. (invited)
  • Voulgaris, G., Kumar, N., Warner, J.C., Haas, K.A., Uchiyama, Y., McWilliams, J.C. (2010): Applications of Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) for surf zone environment, Eos Trans. AGU, 91(26), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract PO13B-02, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2010, Portland, OR, USA.
  • Hill-Lindsay, C., Buijsman, M.C., Uchiyama, Y., McWilliams, J.C. (2010): Non-tidal Variability in Semidiurnal Internal Tide Generation in the Southern California Bight, Eos Trans. AGU, 91(26), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract PO25K-15, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2010, Portland, OR, USA.
  • Miyoshi, T., Ide, K., McWilliams, J.C., Li, Z., Uchiyama, Y., and Kalnay, E. (2009): Ensemble Data Assimilation for Idealized California Current System with ROMS-LETKF, The 5th WMO Symposium on Data Assimilation, Extended Abstracts, 8pp, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Uchiyama, Y., McWilliams, J.C., Buijsman, M. and Shchepetkin, A.F. (2009): Wave-current interaction in ROMS: A vortex-force formalism, 2009 ROMS/TOMS Asia-Pacific Workshop, Sydney, Australia.
  • Uchiyama, Y., McWilliams, J.C. and Shchepetkin, A.F. (2008): Submesoscale instability in subtidal inner shelf circulation off Palos Verdes, California, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2008, Orlando, FL, USA.
  • Uchiyama, Y., McWilliams, J.C., Dong, C. and Shchepetkin, A.F. (2007): A high-resolution nested simulation on non-cohesive suspended sediment transport around Palos Verdes, California, 2007 ROMS/TOMS Users Workshop, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
  • Uchiyama, Y. and McWilliams, J.C. (2006): Simulating forced infragravity long-waves with ROMS, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2006, Honolulu, HI, USA.
  • Uchiyama, Y. and McWilliams, J.C. (2005): Infragravity waves forced by surface wind waves in the central North Pacific Ocean, 2005 ROMS/TOMS Users Workshop, La Jolla, CA, USA.
  • Uchiyama, Y. (2005): Intertidal cohesive sediment transport and associated topography change in San Francisco Bay, Proc. Int'l Conf. Coastal Dynamics 2005, ASCE, Barcelona, Spain. (accepted, but withdrawn)
  • Uchiyama, Y. (2004): Wetting and drying scheme for POM and its application to San Francisco Bay, Hydrodynamics VI - Theory and Application, (eds) L. Cheng and K. Yeow, Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, pp.293-299.
  • Uchiyama, Y. (2004): Intertidal sediment transport and morphological response in San Francisco Bay using modefied Princeton Ocean Model, Proc. AGU Chapmen Conference on Salt Marsh Geomorphology: Physical and Ecological Effects on Landform , AGU, Halifax, NS, Canada, p.33.
  • Uchiyama, Y. (2003): Modeling wetting and drying process in San Francisco Bay using the Princeton Ocean Model, Eos. Trans. AGU, 84 (46), Fall Meet. Suppl., OS32B-0245, AGU, San Francisco, CA, USA.
  • Uchiyama, Y. and Kuriyama Y. (2003): Complex principal component analysis of medium-term nearshore geomorphology at North Sendai Coast, Japan, Proc. Coastal Structures 2003, ASCE, Portland, OR, USA, pp. 1176-1188.
  • Uchiyama, Y. (2003): Near-bed velocity and turbidity measurements at an intertidal estuarine sand-flat influenced by fluvial discharges, Proc. EGS-AGU-EUG Joins Assembly, EAE03-A-07915, OS2-1TU1P-0508, Nice, France.
  • Uchiyama, Y. (2002): Hydrodynamic, sedimentological and morphological processes on Banzu intertidal sand-flat, Tokyo Bay, Japan, AGU Spring Meeting EOS Transaction, OS21A-08, AGU, Washington DC, USA.
  • Uchiyama, Y., Kuriyama, Y. and Katoh, K. (2001): Suspended sediment and morphological response on Banzu tidal flat, Japan, Proc. 4th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics, Lund, Sweden, pp.1038-1047, ASCE.
  • Nadaoka, K. and Uchiyama, Y. (2000): Formation of longitudinal vortices generated by wind-driven current in the nearshore sea, Proc. 4th International Conference on Hydrodynamics , IAHR, Yokohama, Japan, pp.797-802, 2000.
  • Uchiyama, Y. (1999): Coastal groundwater flow and associated nutrient transport into the sea, Proc. of the 2nd Joint Meeting of the Coastal Environmental Science and Technology (CEST) Panel, UJNR, Washington, DC, USA, pp.22-35.


  • 桑江朝比呂・神尾光一郎・井上徹教・三好英一・内山雄介(2006):堆積物による酸素消費と生成─渦相関法を適用した新たな測定方法の開発ー.土木学会海岸工学論文集,Vol.53,pp.1411-1415.
  • 内山雄介・中野博文・黒坂正和・山脇秀仁・柳嶋慎一・栗山善昭 (2005):自然干潟における海底境界層内の流速構造について,土木学会海岸工学論文集,Vol. 52, pp.81-85.
  • 内山雄介(2004):海底面の力学過程を考慮した冠水・干出スキームの開発と三次元σ座標海洋流動モデルへの適用,土木学会海岸工学論文集,No. 51, pp.351-355.
  • 島谷 学・中瀬浩太・岩本裕之・中山哲厳・月舘真理雄・星野高士・内山雄介・灘岡和夫 (2002):興津海岸におけるアマモ分布条件について,土木学会海岸工学論文集,Vol.49,pp.1161-1165.
  • 内山雄介・中島 剛・上岡智志 (2001) :盤洲干潟における河川出水時の地形変化と漂砂特性について,土木学会海岸工学論文集, No.48, pp.531-535.
  • 内山雄介・栗山善昭・波多野敦史 (2001) :蒲生干潟前面海浜地形の中期変動特性,土木学会海岸工学論文集,No. 48, pp.601-605.
  • 島谷 学・中瀬浩太・中山哲厳・太田雅隆・月舘真理雄・星野高士・内山雄介・灘岡和夫 (2001):人工リーフ設置による外力場の変化とアマモ分布条件との関係について,土木学会海岸工学論文集,Vol.48, pp.1156-1160.
  • 中山哲厳・槙本一徳・灘岡和夫・内山雄介・中瀬浩太・島谷 学・星野高士・月舘真理雄 (2001):興津湾における広域海藻分布と水理環境に関する現地調査,土木学会海岸工学論文集,Vol.48,pp.1161-1165.
  • 足立久美子・内山雄介・八木 宏 (2001):鹿島灘砕波帯における栄養塩濃度の変動要因,日本水産工学会学術講演会講演論文集,No.13,pp.135-138.
  • 内山雄介・加藤一正・栗山善昭・古川恵太 (2000) :東京湾盤洲干潟の漂砂特性について,土木学会海岸工学論文集,No.47, pp.521-525.
  • 栗山善昭・灘岡和夫・武若 聡・岡安章夫・片山裕之・森 信人・内山雄介・中島 剛・田村仁・堀口敬洋 (2000):浅海域における長周期水理現象に関する総合的現地観測,土木学会海岸工学論文集, Vol.47,pp.231-235.
  • 内山雄介 (1999) :汀線近傍に形成される海岸帯水層中の局所循環流構造に関する解析,土木学会海岸工学論文集,Vol.46, pp.1241-1245.
  • 内山雄介・灘岡和夫・堀川誠司 (1998):砂浜と干潟の比較による湾奥部極浅海域の水環境特性に関する研究,土木学会海岸工学論文集,Vol.45, pp.1051-1055.
  • 内山雄介・灘岡和夫・P. Rolke・足立久美子・仲宗根琢磨・八木 宏 (1998):海岸地下浸透流およびそれに伴う沿岸域への栄養塩供給過程の解析,土木学会海岸工学論文集,Vol.45,pp.1076-1080.
  • 内山雄介・灘岡和夫・瀬崎智之・八木 宏 (1997) :成層期の東京湾奥における砂浜海岸周辺の熱構造について,土木学会海岸工学論文集,Vol.44, pp.1071-1075.
  • 灘岡和夫・内山雄介 (1997):吹送流による沿岸境界近傍の縦渦構造の形成と物質混合過程に関する検討,土木学会海岸工学論文集, Vol.44,pp.421-425.
  • 灘岡和夫・内山雄介・東川孝治 (1996):海岸域における風の場の三次元構造に関する検討,土木学会海岸工学論文集,Vol.43, pp.401-405.
  • 灘岡和夫・内山雄介・瀬崎智之 (1996):夏季の内湾性砂浜海岸周辺の水温・DO・クロロフィルaの変動特性について,土木学会海岸工学論文集,Vol.43,pp.1101-1105.
  • 灘岡和夫・内山雄介・東川孝治 (1996):大気および土壌中の塩分からみた砂浜海岸植生環境について,土木学会海岸工学論文集, Vol.43,pp.1171-1175.
  • 灘岡和夫・内山雄介・山下哲弘 (1995):夏季砂浜海岸の熱収支構造と人体の快適性,土木学会水工学論文集,Vol. 39, pp.189-196.
  • 灘岡和夫・内山雄介・山下哲弘 (1995):夏季砂浜海岸空間の微気象特性と人体温熱環境について,土木計画学研究・論文集,Vol.12, pp.375-381.
  • 福岡捷二・内山雄介 (1993):水防災と環境に配慮したスーパー堤防上沿川市街地構造の研究,土木学会水工学論文集 ,Vol.37, pp.833-836.



Updated on 2024-07-12 (Fri) 17:52:34