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 ここは神戸大学 工学部市民工学科・海岸海洋研究グループのwebサイトです.私たちは海岸工学および沿岸海洋物理学の研究を行っています.


Welcome to our group web site. We are CORG -- Coastal and Oceanic Research Group -- in Dept. Civil Engineering, Kobe University. The current on-going projects include:

  1. mesoscale/submesoscale coastal and oceanic dynamics,
  2. wave-current interaction with a vortex-force formalism,
  3. realization of the dynamics of Kuroshio and its branches,
  4. estuarine circulations,
  5. oceanic material dispersion (sewage, radioactive tracers, larvae,..),
  6. nearshore littoral processes and sediment transport,

by exploiting a state-of-the-art regional oceanic circulation model (ROMS) along with satellite and in-situ measurements in collaboration with colleagues at UCLA (USA), JAMSTEC, OIST, CRIEPI, Kyoto Univ./DPRI, Tokyo Univ. Marine Sci. & Tech., JAEA, Scripps Inst. Oceanography (USA), UCSB (USA), IRD-LEGOS (France), Hokkaido Univ., Univ. of Tokyo, Ibaraki Univ., Kobe Gakuin Univ., Ehime Univ. CMES, NUIST (China), UTAR (Malaysia), UTP (Malaysia), Ritsumeikan Univ., NASA-JPL (USA), Clarkson Univ./Beacon Inst. (USA), etc. The study areas are the north Pacific, the western Pacific marginal seas near Japan (Kuroshio Extension, NE Pacific coast, East China Sea, Sea of Japan), South China Sea, U.S. West Coast (WA/OR/CA, USA), Seto Inland Sea (Japan), Southern California Bight (CA, USA), Hudson River estuary (NY/NJ, USA), Duck (NC, USA), and more. Our goal is to gain deeper scientific and engineering understanding of the coastal and oceanic system.

We are seeking for enthusiastic international and domestic students and scientists (e.g., JSPS postdoctral fellows, scholars on sabbatical, ...) working jointly with us. Successful students should be at Kobe University with a strong background of coastal engineering, (geophysical) fluid mechanics, physical oceanography, or related subjects.


新着情報 / Highlights



  • 鳴門渦潮観測船乗船+徳島大にて学生による合同ゼミ.
  • 参加校は徳島大,広島大,愛媛大,大阪市大,神戸高専,大阪大,神戸大.


  • 茨城大増永研との合同ゼミを合宿形式で開催します.


  • Takaura, N.: Medium-term water mass exchange and associated regional circulations in the South China Sea
  • Tokunaga, N.: A flood-induced sediment and suspended radiocesium transports in the Fukushima Coast due to Typhoon 201326 analyzed with a JCOPE2-ROMS downscaling model and in situ observations
  • Uchiyama, Y.: Kuroshio-derived pinch-off mesoscale eddies: Generation, propagation, and recollision with the Kuroshio
  • Zhang, X.: Biogeochemical responses to seasonal oceanic variability along the Kuroshio
  • AOGS2019


  • OS15: Regional Oceanic Numerical Modeling and Observations
  • Conveners: Changming Dong (NUIST, China), Sergey Prants (Pacific Oceanological Institute, Russia), Yusuke Uchiyama (Kobe University, Japan)
  • AOGS2019


  • Xu Zhang:Seasonal variability of upper-ocean primary production along the Kuroshio
  • 高浦 育:南シナ海南部の中期海洋変動に関する研究
  • 徳永夏樹:台風201326号の出水イベントに伴う福島海域の懸濁態放射性核種の輸送について

Ocean Modelling 2018 Impact Factor = 3.095(07/03/2019)

  • 内山教授がeditorial boardを務める国際ジャーナル「Ocean Modelling」の2018年版 Impact Factor が 3.095と発表されました.
  • Ocean Modelling / Editorial Board

内山教授がCoastal Engineering JournalのEditor-in-Chiefに就任しました(07/01/2019)

  • これまで務めていたAssociate Editor-in-Chiefから昇任.
  • CEJの最新のImpact Factor (2018) は2.016と発表されました.
  • CEJ@Taylor & Francis


  • 本研究室からの半額免除指定は神吉亮佑君(2015),鈴江洋太君(2017)に次い3人目の栄誉です.
  • 研究室受賞歴

Gordon Research Conference@Southern New Hampshire University, NH, USAにて招待講演を行います(6/16-21/2019)

  • Gordon Research Conference - Coastal Ocean Dynamics
  • Submesoscale Processes, Nonlinear Internal Waves, and Impacts on Biogeochemistry and Other Systems via Mixing in the Coastal Ocean (led by Hans Burchard, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Germany)
  • Uchiyama, Y.: Eddy-induced transports and meso- and submesoscale dynamics in coastal and shelf seas (invited)


  • 大学構内停電のためサーバーを停止します.
  • 6/17復旧.


  • Takaura, N.: A reanalysis of regional circulations in the Southern South China Sea using a HYCOM-ROMS downscaling ocean model(HYCOM-ROMSモデルを用いた南シナ海南部における海洋流動構造に関する研究)
  • Tokunaga, N.: Neasrshore transport of suspended radiocesium In the Fuksima Coast derived from Niida River induced by Typhoon Wipha(新田川河口海域における台風Wilpaによる出水イベントに伴う懸濁態放射性セシウムの沿岸輸送について)
  • Uchiyama, Y.: Fates and dynamical roles of pinch-off mesoscale eddies originated from the Kuroshio Extension Jet(黒潮続流ジェットから放出される切離中規模渦の挙動と力学的効果について)
  • Zhang, X.: Biogeochemical responses to seasonal oceanic variability along the Kuroshio
  • JpGU2019



Universiti Teknologi Petronas@Malaysiaにて招待講演を行います(4/24/2019)

  • Uchiyama, Y. (2019): Evolution of downscaling ocean modeling and its application to the metocean forcing evaluation for offshore structures around Malaysia", Offshore Engineering Lecture Series at Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia, Apr. 24, 2019. (invited lecture)

ISGST2019@UTAR, Kampar, Malaysiaにて講演します(4/23-26/2019)



  • 柳瀬翔太君,松下晃生君が新B4(学部9期)として内山研に配属されました.
  • 自己紹介はこちら(Members).

王 鴻鑫君が新M1として配属されました(04/01/2019)

  • 2019年度のM1(修士8期)は,高浦 育君,徳永夏樹君,王 鴻鑫君の3名です.
  • 自己紹介はこちら(Members).

 過去の新着情報 / Past Highlights

Updated on 2024-10-18 (Fri) 13:09:23