#br *Matlab Installation [#d4d4a694] #br 現在,研究室では8つのMatlabライセンスと,2つのSignal Processing Toolboxのライセンスを保有しています. 2012年1月現在,研究室では8つのMatlabライセンスと,2つのSignal Processing Toolboxのライセンスを保有しています. #br **JAVA runtime environment (Sum Microsystems JRE) [#sc7d193c] -Open Mandriva Linux Control Center -Go to Software Management -Go to "Configure media sources for ..." -Make sure if "FTP Non-free Updates" is checked. -Go to "Install & Remove Software" -Search for "java-1.6.0-sun" to install. You may be asked to install a few more RPMs. **Prepare "license.dat" file [#ye431d83] -Get your "license.dat" file ready (ask Uchiyama) -Place "license.dat" in /home/yourname/matlab -Make "/opt" writable (change ownership) -Open "Konsole" (or any terminal), make yourself root by typing "su" plus the root's password. $ su -Change ownership of /opt directory: $ cd / $ chown yourname:users opt --> yourname means your user name (such as "josh"). **MATLAB R2011a Network Installation [#y27397b0] -Go to Mathworks MATLAB download page: http://www.mathworks.com/download/ -Use the account information (email and password) to log in to the account. -Download R2011b for Linux (64-bit); turn on the appropriate check box. -Click Download button -Check "Choose products and versions..." to go forward -Click Continue -Check the check box to the right of MATLAB (7.12), and click "Continue" -Download and execute "download_agent". Simply click "OK" to proceed -Installer is automatically launched. Check "Always trust..." and click "Run" -"Select download folder" shows up. Keep the default folder, and click Next -Click "Yes" and "Download" -Download sequence begins. It may take a while (~1/2 hours or so). -After the download completed, check "start installer" and press "finish" -Choose "install using internet", and go to next -Check "yes" and go to next -Select 69**** (license number) Concurrent Network, and Next -Choose Typical and Next -GO back to the installer, and enter "/opt/MATLAB/R2011b" in the upper box, then Next -Click yes -Enter the path to the license.dat file (should be in /home/yourname/matlab/license.dat. use Browse button), and Next -Then press "install" -Press "Finish" to exit **Make "/opt" UNwritable [#gea5f34c] -Open "Konsole" (***), make yourself root by typing "su" plus the root's password. -Change ownership of /opt directory: $ cd / $ chown root:root opt -Edit .cshrc file --First 4 lines read: setenv PATH /usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin setenv MANPATH /usr/man:/usr/bin/man:/usr/X11R6/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/share/man/man:/usr/local/man setenv PATH $HOME/matlab/my_tools:$PATH setenv PATH $HOME/matlab/grid_tools/:$PATH --And edit attributes of Matlab as follows: # ## Environmental variables related to MatLab # setenv MATLABROOT /opt/MATLAB/R2011a setenv PATH $MATLABROOT/bin:$PATH setenv MATLABPATH $HOME setenv NCTOOL $HOME/matlab/mexcdf/netcdf_toolbox/netcdf setenv MEXTOOL $HOME/matlab/mexcdf/ # ROMS tools setenv ROMSDIR $MATLABPATH/matlab/Roms_tools setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$ROMSDIR" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$ROMSDIR/Preprocessing_tools" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$ROMSDIR/Visualization_tools" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$ROMSDIR/Nesting_tools" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$ROMSDIR/m_map" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$ROMSDIR/mask" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$ROMSDIR/Tides" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$ROMSDIR/Topo" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$ROMSDIR/air_sea" # my stuff setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$ROMSDIR/My_tools" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$ROMSDIR/My_tools/colormap" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$HOME/matlab/ttide" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$HOME/matlab/misc" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$HOME/matlab/misc/etc" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$HOME/matlab/misc/etc2" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$HOME/matlab/Guillaume_spec" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$HOME/matlab/DIWASP" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$HOME/matlab/vol3d" # netcdf/mex tools setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$NCTOOL" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$NCTOOL/ncsource" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$NCTOOL/nctype" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$NCTOOL/ncutility" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$MEXTOOL/mexnc" setenv MATLABPATH $MATLABPATH":$MEXTOOL/snctools" ##alias mat "matlab -nojvm" alias mat "matlab -nodesktop -nosplash" alias lmstat "/opt/matlab/etc/lmstat -a" # # Setting different numbers of threads for Open MP programs # : : :