Backup source of Linux/Applications(No. 1)

*Applications [#zca7b079]

**Adobe Flash player [#zc6fa045]

-download the latest flashplayer 64 bit version from
-extract the downloaded file ( is generated)

 $ mv /home/yusuke/.flashplayer
 $ ln -s /home/yusuke/.flashplayer/ /home/yusuke/.mozilla/plugins

**Intel Fortran Compiler (version 12.0 update 3) [#x774170a]

-download the latest Intel fortran composer at
-serial number needed for the installation is sent from intel.
-untar the tar file
-make yourself root to install

 $ su
 $ sh ./

- If gcc++ is missing, the installer complains. Install it a priori.
- after installation, edit .cshrc appropriately. The following is an example.

 if (`uname -m` == x86_64) then
        set IFC_ROOT = /opt/intel/fc11.3.174
        set IFC_ROOT = /opt/intel/fc111
 setenv PATH $IFC_ROOT/bin:$PATH
 source $IFC_ROOT/bin/compilervars.csh intel64
 setenv INCLUDE $IFC_ROOT/mkl/include:$INCLUDE
 setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $IFC_ROOT/mkl/lib/intel64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

**Skype [#x309a7d8]

-Skype is still a 32-bit application, so you must include 32-bit library. To do so, assign 32-bit Mandriva repository:

 urpmi.addmedia tmp_Main_32_release
 urpmi.addmedia tmp_Main_32_updates
 urpmi.addmedia tmp_MIB_Basic_64

- then install Skype

 urpmi skype --allow-suggest --auto --force

- finally, clean up the mounted repositories.

 urpmi.removemedia tmp_Main_32_release
 urpmi.removemedia tmp_Main_32_updates
 urpmi.removemedia tmp_MIB_Basic_64

**ptetex3 (Latex with Japanese fonts) [#ue4d7bac]

-Go to the ptetex3 official website at

and download the latest ptetex3 (ptetex3-20090610.tar.gz as of May 6, 2011), tetex-src-3.0.tar.gz, and tetex-texmf-3.0po.tar.gz.  But if you have installed tetex with Mandriva Control Center properly, the last two files may not be requisite.

-Extract tarball(s) such that: tar xzvf ptetex3-20090610.tar.gz
-Duplicate my_option.sample to my_option: cp -p my_option.sample my_option. For now I do not edit my_option file.
-Since "getline" conflicts with the one in stdio.h, make yourself root and edit

 vi /usr/include/stdio.h

and comment out the following lines temporarily:

 extern _IO_ssize_t getline (char **__restrict __lineptr,
                         size_t *__restrict __n,
                          FILE *__restrict __stream) __wur;

then make yourself back to your username, and submit the make command:

 $ su
 $ make install

During "make", it may complain that

 warning: FT_OpenType_Validate is disabled.
 Replace FreeType2 with "otvalid" enabled version.

while you could ignore it because this is for text layout aligning vertically which is not used significantly.
-Revert back stdio.h file to its original shape.
-Edit your .cshrc file such that

 # ptetex3 (Japanese) setting
  setenv PATH /usr/local/teTeX/bin:$PATH
  alias platex   "platex -kanji=utf8"
  alias ptex     "platex -kanji=utf8"
  alias ptexsjis "platex -kanji=sjis"
  alias ptexeuc  "platex -kanji=euc"

-Enjoy ptetex3 by using "platex" or "ptex".  Ghostscript does not work properly, so you have to compromise.

-DVI ==> PDF conversion is done with "dvipdfmx".  xdiv works with Japanese fonts.

**NX Client (NoMachine version) [#j2a1aede]

-Go to
--Go to "Download" section, then get x86_64 Linux RPM version of nxclient
-Make yourself "root" in the directory where you have the rpm file.

 $ su
 $ rpm -i nxclient-3.5.0-5.x86_64.rpm

-Execute nxclient
--In connection wizard, use localhost and port = 8888 if you are connecting your nx server through ssh tunnel, otherwise specify the hostname and port = 22.  A DSA key must be provided.  The file is for example located at ~/.ssh/dsa_id (depending on where you retrieve the key file).

**mencoder [#g0572121]

-Mencoder may complain that is missing.
-If you encounter this issue, in Konsole (or any terminals), make yourself root
 $ su
 $ cd /usr/lib64
 $ ln -s
Then mencoder should work.