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 ここは神戸大学 工学部市民工学科・海岸海洋研究グループのwebサイトです.私たちは海岸工学および沿岸海洋物理学の研究を行っています.


Welcome to our group web site. We are CORG -- Coastal and Oceanic Research Group -- in Dept. Civil Engineering, Kobe University. The current on-going projects include:

  1. mesoscale/submesoscale coastal and oceanic dynamics,
  2. wave-current interaction with a vortex-force formalism,
  3. realization of the dynamics of Kuroshio and its branches,
  4. estuarine circulations,
  5. oceanic material dispersion (sewage, radioactive tracers, larvae,..),
  6. nearshore littoral processes and sediment transport,

by exploiting a state-of-the-art regional oceanic circulation model (ROMS) along with satellite and in-situ measurements in collaboration with colleagues at UCLA (USA), JAMSTEC, OIST, CRIEPI, Kyoto Univ./DPRI, Tokyo Univ. Marine Sci. & Tech., JAEA, Scripps Inst. Oceanography (USA), UCSB (USA), IRD-LEGOS (France), Hokkaido Univ., Univ. of Tokyo, Ibaraki Univ., Kobe Gakuin Univ., Ehime Univ. CMES, NUIST (China), UTAR (Malaysia), UTP (Malaysia), Ritsumeikan Univ., NASA-JPL (USA), Clarkson Univ./Beacon Inst. (USA), etc. The study areas are the north Pacific, the western Pacific marginal seas near Japan (Kuroshio Extension, NE Pacific coast, East China Sea, Sea of Japan), South China Sea, U.S. West Coast (WA/OR/CA, USA), Seto Inland Sea (Japan), Southern California Bight (CA, USA), Hudson River estuary (NY/NJ, USA), Duck (NC, USA), and more. Our goal is to gain deeper scientific and engineering understanding of the coastal and oceanic system.

We are seeking for enthusiastic international and domestic students and scientists (e.g., JSPS postdoctral fellows, scholars on sabbatical, ...) working jointly with us. Successful students should be at Kobe University with a strong background of coastal engineering, (geophysical) fluid mechanics, physical oceanography, or related subjects.


新着情報 / Highlights


AOGS 2021(オンライン開催)にて発表します(8/1-6/2021)

  • Matsushita, K., Uchiyama, Y., Takaura, N. and Kosako, T.: Medium-term oceanic transport of microplastics in and around the South China Sea analyzed with climatological and synoptic models
  • Takeyasu, K., Uchiyama, Y., Zhang, X., Matsushita, K. and Mitarai, S.: Nearshore three-dimensional connectivity of coral larvae in reef areas on the northwest coast of Okinawa Main Island
  • Ubara, M., Uchiyama, Y. and Kosako, T.: Effects of tidal currents on formation of shoals and cauldrons on the seafloor in a semi-enclosed estuary analyzed with a multi-nested high-resolution ocean model


  • 乳原 材内山雄介小硲大地:瀬戸内海東部海域海底における砂堆・海釜地形の形成に関する数値的検討
  • 河野航平内山雄介上平雄基:福島沿岸域における大陸棚斜面への広域懸濁態粒子の広域輸送について
  • 竹安希実香内山雄介張 旭松下晃生・御手洗 哲司:沖縄本島北西部海域におけるサンゴ幼生の3次元海洋輸送に関する研究
    松下晃生内山雄介高浦 育小硲大地:気候値モデルと総観モデルを用いた南シナ海周辺海域におけるマイクロプラスチック中期輸送に関する研究


  • 引野 昇真君,玉井 駿壮君,片岡 貴君が新B4(学部11期)として内山研に配属されました.
  • 自己紹介はこちら(Members).

 過去の新着情報 / Past Highlights

Updated on 2024-10-18 (Fri) 13:09:23